Sunday, February 10, 2008




These were my first attempts at the 3d model representing the human motion captured earlier. But I'm starting to realize that the decontexualization of the human body is leaving me with a purely linear interpretation of the occupied space. I might have to take a step back and create an overlap of the individual frames. Or maybe I could use this to think look at this space in a different way.  
So in the mean time I welcome your comments. What I have done so far is, trace motion of the person's head, navel and foot from both angles. Somehow I need to connect the two axes into three. Stay tuned for updates.


Luc Wilson said...

Maybe try lofting the head motion line from one view to the head motion line of the other view. This would start to translate the movement from a 2-dimensional extrusion in 3-dimensions to a 3-dimensional abstraction/interpretation of 2-dimensional diagrams.

bluewolf963 said...

Yes, I would have to agree with young skywalker, your representations are a little too flat as they are.